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Video: This is Premodern

Have you ever heard of the format Premodern? If not, this is the perfect video for you. Gordon sat down with the creator Martin Berlin to talk about the why, what and when about Premodern.

The format is an Old School format that takes up where most 93/94 formats end and stretches all the way until Wizards decided to change the card frame. That is, it is almost the opposite of what is now known as Modern. But I will leave it at that, watch the video for the complete story and visit Premodernmagic.com for a more in-depth look at the format itself. Enjoy!

Just one more thing, don’t miss that we will stream the Swedish Championship in Premodern on Saturday June 8 at 11am CET at www.twitch.tv/wakwakmtg 46 Players will join the battle, but only one will be crowned Swedish Champion 2019!

Some of you may have picked up that this video has been in the making as it have taken about half a year to finish it. It’s my (Gordon) first more “serious” video in almost ten years and it has therefore taken a lot of time, but now I will focus on more 93/94 content!