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Suicide Blue

Deck by Mg


In the early days of Magic the color pie wasn't as thought through as it is today and as blue was the color of "magic" it accidently got a little bit of everything, even though it probably shouldn't have. This makes it possible to build a deck with burn, counterspells, efficient creatures, card draw and different types of removal without the need of any duals at all.

There's only one "small" drawback, a drawback that gives the deck its name, Suicide Blue, and that is that many of the cards in the deck is quite treacherous. Serendib Efreet, Psionic Blast and Mind Bomb is all cards that hurt you as well and another often used card is Unstable Mutation which in time will kill your own creature.

But you can also play less dangerous creatures like Flying Men, Dándán, Zephyr Falcon and Phantasmal Forces for a more "safe" deck. Other solid cards that you can find in these lists are Unsummon, Boomerang, Counterspell and Energy Flux. The choices are yours.

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